Super Spacer double and triple glazed glass

Super Spacer double and triple glazed glass

The application of the flexible spacer - SUPER SPACER is fully automatic.
Some of this technology advantages are:
- a saving of up to 20% on the heating costs of a building
- reduces perimeter condensation by 70% compared to the aluminium spacer
- great aesthetics: the self-adhesive band of the spacer prevents the penetration of the butyl inside the visible glass panel; this system also eliminates the gap between the glass panels which is very visible especially for triple glazed units.
- due to its flexibility, the spacer better absorbs shocks caused by solar heat expansion and contraction
- better Argon retention due to the continuous application of the spacer and the automatic sealing of the final corner View details

Unique technology in ROMANIA and EST Europe!

We define a new quality standard in the market!

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